Financial Planning

Financial Planning is not an event... It is a process!


Planning Process Objectives


Accomplish Your Goals

You are your own benchmark, with your own goals, and your own unique challenges. 在靠谱的外围买球网站所做的一切中,我们希望通过参与持续的财务规划流程来消除混乱和混乱,并以清晰的方式取而代之。


Have Clarity

Clarity is the peace of mind that comes from organizing, simplifying, and prioritizing your financial life. In all that we do, we want to eliminate confusion & 外围买球网站是组织、简化和优先考虑您的财务生活所带来的安心。在靠谱的外围买球网站所做的一切中,我们希望通过参与持续的财务规划流程来消除混乱和混乱,并以清晰的方式取而代之。


Maintain Confidence

Sleep well, live happy & have confidence. 在靠谱的外围买球网站所做的一切中,我们希望通过参与持续的财务规划流程来消除混乱和混乱,并以清晰的方式取而代之。 Let us worry while you enjoy life.

The process

Step 1: 

Discovery Meeting

During this meeting we will take a deep dive into every aspect of your financial lives.  We’ll discuss your specific situation, needs, goals, worries, challenges, and opportunities.  We’ll be gathering information and diving into each of the components listed below under ”The Planning Process Components” in order to build out a framework and roadmap for the Planning & Strategy Meeting.

Step 2: 

Planning & Strategy Meeting

The purpose of this meeting is to present and review the initial data collected in a clear and organized fashion.  We discuss observations of what you’re doing well and make recommendations on things you can do better.  During this meeting we present you with a financial scorecard that tracks important metrics and provides you with specific action items we believe you should take.

Step 3: 

Review & Improve

Over time life happens and things change - for good and bad. After the initial set of meetings, we’ll continue to meet over time to review progress from the previous planning meetings. We will update asset values, make adjustments, and re-establish how you should focus your efforts for the next 6, 12, or 24 months. 

The Planning Process Components

Cash Flow Planning

Investment Management

Retirement Planning

Social Security Optimization


Risk Management

Tax Planning

Real Estate

Estate Planning